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Richard Dawkins, one of today's most famous atheists, the author of "The God Delusion" and defenders of evolution agreed when he wrote:
Darwin came up with "Natural Selection" by deducting that since we can breed different types of dogs and cows, that could happen in nature. Man's breeding is called "microevolution" but Natural Selection is called "macroevolution". What everyone forgot for the decades that evolution has been taught as dogma, is that in MAN'S breeding of animals, there IS intervention... i.e. that of man. Macroevolution says it all happened by chance, random and there just is NO evidence that chance could achieve THIS type of order and engineering! If you are a Christian who says "God is who - evolution is how" then you are not really into Darwinian Naturalism... because the latter says there MUST BE NO "WHO" at all. In it's more extreme form, naturalism provides the rationale for
Marxism and Nazi eugenics ... wrote Marx to Engels of Darwin's "origin of
species" - "this is the book that contains the natural history which is
the basis for our theories" For example in the Cambrion era, there emerged in a geological eyeblink, virtually all animal groups. In one of HIS honest moments Richard Dawkins admits "it was as though they were just planted there without any evolutionary history!" National Geographic Magazine, in their issue on Australia commented that the animals in Australia seemed to evolve "backwards" from what one would expect from evolution. The NY Times headlined the discovery of "Piltdown man" as "Evolution PROVED TRUE!" Thirty years later, "Piltdown Man" was proved to be an elaborate hoax. What was amazing was, the scientific community never questioned it. Most species have not changed at all... all of this runs counter to
Darwin's theories... Sources: Dawkins, Richard: THE GOD DELUSION Here's more information....