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Bishop Olmsted featured guest on TV show!
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On Ash Wednesday, our own Bishop Olmsted was the featured guest on "EWTN
LIVE" in a show entitled "Encountering the Lord Jesus Christ". He shared
many very profound and inspirational things. One (of many) which stuck
with me was his reminding us that we cannot minister well to others unless
we are totally in love with and very close to Jesus and to be there, we
need to make time in our daily schedule for prayer. Bishop Olmsted begins
each day with a holy hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament. If you can
receive EWTN TV, they will be repeating the show throughout the week.
(it's available on digital cable TV). Otherwise, you can visit their
website "Religious Catalogue" at
to purchase for a very nominal fee, either the cassette tape (MPA124), an
audio CD (MPC124) or a video of the show (MPV124), or call 205-271-2900 to
order. Viewing this show is extremely inspirational and enlightening - a
wonderful way to start in our Lenten devotion!