Memorial to Fr. John Becker, SJ, 1925 - 2008
Jesuit Priest, Teacher, Author, Pro Life Activist
"You are not a saint because you keep the rules and are blameless; you are a
saint if you live in the real world, going out and loving the real people God
has put into your life."
Sister Wendy Beckett
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In his many years as a priest (64 years!) Fr John Becker touched
hundreds of lives. He taught many in English class who ended up becoming
priests, he brought literature alive to a generation with less than an
ardent interest in reading. But Fr Becker was also a pro life
activist and up until his last few months on earth, he was out at the
abortion clinics at 6:30 in the morning, leading the Rosary prayer, giving
support to the pro life activists and also praying for the innocents who
lost their lives to abortion and all the victims of abortion. He
said Mass at a rest home regularly and he visited a dear priest friend of
his who had had a stroke and was very disabled. His last year, he wanted to teach Advanced Placement English to Sophomores but it was required that all his tests and assignments be on the computer system. Fr Becker worked hard and actually learned how to do this, an amazing task for someone born before TV existed, and when radio was young.
Fr Becker's thorn in his side was his hearing. He could, with cochlear implants, hear on a one to one basis but all his life, could not really enjoy parties, gatherings and the like because too many voices at once confused his hearing aids. He never complained about this although it often gave him grief. And despite his hearing problem he managed to become an excellent flautist when he was in High School. Fr Becker enjoyed bicycle riding and actually took a couple of trips on a Bicycle in Europe. As late as the summer of 2006, he still was riding his bicycle in the mornings, several times a week! His favorite saint was Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, a wonderful Jesuit who lived in Mexico, touched many lives and was martyred. And he was an author, writing 3 excellent mysteries - books which were not only very fun to read but also taught Catholic principles and ethics. Fr Wolfe, the main character in his books who was always finding another mystery to solve, became a favorite with his readers who anxiously awaited his next book. The books were delightful because he put a lot of Brophy Prep (where he taught) as well as his own experiences and dreams in Fr Wolfe's adventures! You can get all his novels on Amazon - and they are highly recommended! ... click here for more info
He died suddenly Saturday, January 19th, 2008 at 7 PM. The background of this page is of a beautiful place called "Jesuit Garden" where Fr Becker used to live before they had the priests at Brophy live off site. He loved it this peaceful garden and we would meet there sometimes when the weather permitted - I loved it there also. Fr Becker is very missed by so many people. I miss him very much although I know that we now have a new saint in Heaven, praying for us and that he is happy with Our Lord, Whom he served so completely and faithfully all those years. So long sweet Fr Becker - I will see you again some day and until then, please pray for me....
Fr's Obituary published in the AZ Republic, January 24, 2008